Interactive Whiteboards And Computer Network Installed In Birmingham College
Bishop Challoner Catholic College is recognised as one of the most successful schools in Birmingham, delivering a high-quality education to prepare young people for life in a fast-advancing technological modern society. As part of its continuing development, the School had built a new wing and needed both the computer network and interactive whiteboards and projectors installed in four classrooms, along with a suitable sound system.
To carry out the project, Bishop Challoner turned to SCI Management – an electrical contractor with extensive experience in installing and commissioning audio-visual installations and computer networks in schools and colleges.

The project took two weeks and required specialist expertise. For example, The interactive whiteboards had only a small window to fit into, so the alignment of the projectors was critical. To meet the tolerances required SCI Management used a laser positional tool. This allowed the contractors to get the exact location of the projector lens in the middle of the screen.
All the work required a clean trip-free finish, with minimum disruption to the ceiling, with all cables hidden away.